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« Ответ #444 : 19 Май 2014, 06:13:51 »
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We sincerely apologize to anyone whose feelings we have hurt, it was not our intention."The design inspiration of The Cloud is visualized in the first image on our website, a cloud covering the center of the skyscraper."However, one MVRDV official, Jan Knikker, was quoted telling the Dutch newspaper Algemeen Dagblad, "I have to admit that we also thought of the 9/11 attacks," the New York Post reported.Jim Riches, a retired New York deputy fire chief whose son was killed on 9/11, said he did not believe the architects."It looks just like the towers imploding," the New York Daily News quoted him as saying. "I think they trying to sensationalize it. It a cheap way to get publicity."п»їDevelopers in council land swap  karen millen dresses outlet  The Small Plate Crawl will also include an element of competition, with crawlers getting the chance vote for their favorite plates of the evening (those details are still being worked out). 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